Postal Address

APS Secretariat

c/- DC Conference &
Association Management

PO Box 637

North Sydney NSW 2059


Head Office

Secretariat Office

c/- DC Conference &
Association Management

Suite 103, Level 1

3 West Street

North Sydney NSW 2060


Registered Charity



painSTAR: Pain School for Translation And Research



painSTAR brings together a group of exceptional clinical and early-mid career academic researchers to participate in an intensive program focussed on linking the bench to bedside.

Pain Schools foster interdisciplinary collaboration, accelerated translation of research findings to care delivery, and the development of skills to help influence political/health service systems - all topics that are critical for high quality translational pain research but are rarely covered in standard teaching/conference curriculum. Consumer representatives will once again be part of the faculty, providing attendees with exposure to the personal and social consequences of living with persistent pain, and providing inspiration about the importance of translational pain research.

painSTAR 2024

The second painSTAR event was held from 10-14 November 2024. Details of this event can be found here: 

painSTAR 2024

painSTAR 2022

The inaugural painSTAR event was held from 13-17 November 2022. Details of this event can be found here: 

painSTAR 2022