Postal Address
APS Secretariat
c/- DC Conference &
Association Management
PO Box 637
North Sydney NSW 2059
Head Office
Secretariat Office
c/- DC Conference &
Association Management
Suite 103, Level 1
3 West Street
North Sydney NSW 2060
To provide guidance to the Australian Pain Society (APS) Board with regards to the planning and running of the APS Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM).
To provide ASM delegates with a relevant, up to date and informative conference with a multi-disciplinary emphasis.
Chair: A/Prof Kevin Keay
LOC Chair 2024: Adjunct A/Prof Cindy Wall (APS Director NT)
Scholar position: Ms Nicole Pope
Dr Felicity Braithwaite
Dr Hayley Leake
Dr Stephanie Mathieson
Mrs Joyce McSwan (APS President)
Ms Trudy Maunsell (APS Immediate Past President)
A/Prof Gila Moalem-Taylor (BPR SIG Chair)
Dr Cate Sinclair (APS PinC SIG Chair)
Dr Aidan Cashin
Dr Joshua Pate
A/Prof Tasha Stanton
Dr Nicholas Veldhuis
Dr Andrew Watson
Dr Simon Summers
Dr Aimee Peek