Postal Address

APS Secretariat

c/- DC Conference &
Association Management

PO Box 637

North Sydney NSW 2059


Head Office

Secretariat Office

c/- DC Conference &
Association Management

Suite 103, Level 1

3 West Street

North Sydney NSW 2060


Registered Charity



Relationships Committee


The main aims of the Relationships Committee are to harness non-Australian Pain Society (APS) Board members of professional collegiate organisations to assist to:

  • Build relationships between the APS and peer organisations, including:

Professionals and their Associations
Special Interest Groups
Consumer Organisations
Educational Institutions

  • Be the APS point of contact for Media Relations
  • Provide a conduit between the APS Board and broader membership bases
  • Discuss shared opportunities for collaboration
  • Share expertise and ideas

NOTE: To respect the contributions of all parties, if a representative misses three (3) meetings in a row the organisation will be converted to correspondent membership only of the Relationships Committee.

Chair: Mrs Joyce McSwan (APS President)
Co-chair: Mrs Bernadette Smith (APS President-Elect)
Ms Zoe Harper (Australian Physiotherapy Association)
Mrs Carmen Stewart (Australian Psychological Society)
Dr Adele Stewart (RACGP National Faculty Specific Interests)
Ms Fiona Thomas (Occupational Therapy Australia)
Mr David Beveridge (Pain Nurses Australia)
Mrs Karla Wright (Pharmaceutical Society of Australia)
Dr Katherine Brain (Dietitians Australia)
Mr Brendan Mouatt & Mr John Stevens (Exercise & Sports Science Australia)
Dr Romil Jain (Neuromodulation Society of ANZ)
Dr Boris Fedoric (Australian Society of Rehabilitation Counsellors)
Dr Sam Whittle (Australian Rheumatology Association)

Correspondent members:
TBA (Australian Society of Anaesthetists)
Ms Catherine Maloney (Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health)